EveryBody - Exploring Borders

Exploring Borders

What’s important is that the body is present, whatever the body, every body. That’s what gives the power.“Susanna Curtis/Janice Parker)
Taking this quotation as a starting point Susanna Curtis choreographs her first mixed-abled production and allows the theme of borders to inspire movement sequences, pictures and  human interaction, which reflect our times, our behaviour and our reactions.
What physical, psychological, geographical, social and political borders have confronted the four protagonists of Exploring Borders in their lives? Which ones could they overcome and where did they fail?
The mixed-abled ensemble of three dancers and an acrobat use the site-specific performance to explore their own borders and those of the performance space. Moving like animals defending their territory, or ljke humans, exposing themselves to encounters and relationships, the performers react to the (un)limited space and inspire constantly changing associations and narratives. In an age which is marked by the Covid19 pandemic the themes of borders, proximity and distance become even more topical and have been integrated into the performance.
Exploring Borders, a mixed-abled dance performance by Curtis & Co. – dance affairs, was premiered on 10 September 2021 in the Tafelhalle Nuremberg as part of the first EveryBody Festival.


Choreographie, Regie, Konzept Susanna Curtis
Ensemble Susanna Curtis, Isabelle Nelson, Johannes Walter, Tameru Zegeye
Kostüme/Costumes Johanna Deffner
Bühne/Stage Johanna Deffner, Susanna Curtis
Film Jürgen Heimüller
Licht/Light Sasa Batnozic
Produktionsleitung Ute Sander-Keller
Assistenz Astrid Hornung, Lina Hartmann

“Approaching serious subject matter with humour and playfulness marks almost all of Curtis’ choreographic work and it pays off once again in this fabulous piece.”    Nuremberger Nachrichten 13.09.21

“The magic word which overcomes all borders is empathy. And this is demonstrated in “Exploring Borders” in two movingly tender scenes, which act as a kind of freedom act and lead to the expression of pure danced joy, crowned by a fantastic dance battle….”
Nuremberger Nachrichten 13.09.21
